Being healthier is probably the top new years resolution people make, and rightly so. If you are one of the many who wish to have a better, healthier 2013, here are a few suggestions of some simple things you can do to help your skin be the healthiest it can be.
- Know your skin - When was the last time you examined your skin? Regular, self (or partner)skin examinations are the first line of defense against skin cancer. You can download the Body Mole Map to record your spots and refer back to it on your next examination.
- Protect your skin - Whenever you are out in the sun, whatever the season, wear sunscreen. This simple step will only take a few minutes but could save you years on your life.
- Don't Pick - We know it's tempting, but popping that pimple can make it take longer to heal and cause scarring.
- Stop Smoking - We all want to look our best. Smoking exposes your skin to toxins that age your skin. It can also aggravate some skin conditions.
- Chill out - Stress can make some skin conditions worse. This can lead to more stress and a vicious cycle.
- Eat Better - A healthy diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein can provide your skin with antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids. Both of these help your skin look it's best.