North Idaho Dermatology Blog - Dermatology - Skin Care – Beauty Tips – So You Can Be Healthy And Feel Beautiful

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mythbusting - The Truth about Tanning Beds

Have you ever heard "You need to get a base tan so you won't burn." or that "Tanning is safer than the sun."?
If you have, don't believe it.

And if you think tanning makes you look younger or healthier, think again.

So many people are misinformed about the dangers of indoor tanning. The truth is tanning devices have been categorized as a Group 1 carcinogen. That's the same as tobacco.
The damage caused to your skin by indoor tanning can actually lead to wrinkles. That's not making you look any younger.

The following articles, Myths about tanning beds and Tanning Salon Con Job help to separate fact from fiction so you can know the real truth about the dangers of indoor tanning.

What tanning myths have you heard? Please tell us in the comments below.

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